June Yu Pontius
Taiwanese art teacher. Teaching art, art history in the
Foundation Stone Waldorf High School in Taiwan. Studied sculpture, sculpture
therapy and Waldorf art teacher training at Emerson College. Practical training
in art therapy in Park Attwood in England. After returning with her family from
Germany, sheworked with children from kindergarten to high school, teachers and
parents. She is trying to bring the theraputic as well as cultural aspects into
the art teaching. Participated the anthroposophical initiative work including
Waldorf education, Biodynamic agriculture and IPMT(International Postgraguated
Medical Training) in Taiwan in the last 15 years. She supports the
anthroposophical training courses as art teacher and interested in working artisticly
with the community.The intension of the art workshop is to open up the
experience and conversation for artistic curriculum in Waldorf school from
different culture perspectives.