Friends of Waldorf Education
Friends of Waldorf Education (Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners e.V.) support initiatives for independent education world-wide. We have actively promoted Waldorf education and freedom within the education system since 1971. We support Waldorf kindergartens, Waldorf schools, other educational initiatives, curative education and social therapeutic institutions as well social work projects.
Voluntary ServicesHelping in the world and coming back full of impressions... Our office in Karlsruhe is organising voluntary service programs with around 30 co-workers. More than 500 young people per year are sent to remedial educationa institutions, Waldorf Schools and Kindergartens in other countries and learn much about the other cultures, other people and themselves!
Emergency Pedagogy
Helping where harm is incredible - after war and natural disasters. Due to voluntary coworkers we can help traumatised children with emergency education. Since 2006 we had deployments in Lebanon, China, Gaza, Indonesia and Haiti. Please help us to help!
Projects WorldwideLearn more about the diversity of the worldwide Waldorf movement! We have contact to Waldorf schools, Waldorf kindergartens, curative and social therapeutic initiatives worldwide. Visit us to know more about these initiatives.
Financial SupportToday there are more than 1000 Waldorf Schools, 2000 Waldorf Kindergartens, 600 remedial educational institutions, over 100 centeres for the Training of Waldorf teachers and a large number of social work institutions. About 200 projects in more than 60 countries are supported by Friends of Waldorf Education. The annual amount of donations including public resources is over four million Euro. Every contribution is fully passed to the project without keeping a rate for the administrative work. Most of the incoming donations about 97% are given for specific projects.Un-designated donations from our International Aid Fund with yearly around 100,000 Euro is spent in emergency situations as speed money (including little bursaries or travel costs for mentors in countries being in a real poineering stage of Waldorf Education.
Contact Us
We are glad that you are interested in our work and want to get in contact with us! Friends of Waldorf movement wants to serve the World-wide Waldorf movement not only financially but by a conscious attitude and through establishing contacts, information services and public relation work. We are most interested to get news about developments going on in your initiatives.
Friends of Waldorf Education TT Freunde der Erziehungskunst Weinmeisterstr, 16, 10178 Berlin Phone: +49 30 617 026 30 fax: +49 30 617 026 33 Email: [email protected] Web: |